Amanda’s Winter Firsts

fig 1.1

Snowshoeing in Prince George, BC

1. First time snowshoeing through the forest in Prince George.
Highlight: the mid-trek break overlooking a frozen lake while enjoying a mocha-coffee with Baileys!


-45°C in Regina SK

2. First time on Salt Spring Island.
Highlight: watching the sun rise over the misty trees on our early morning ferry ride.

3. First headlining show in Regina!
Highlight: walking in -30 weather (-45 with the wind chill) to O’Hanlon’s Pub which, sadly, has had their 5ft 10 statue “Zolt Tranlon” stolen for the second time. He is described as “a statue”, “quite the ladies’ man” and an “excellent dancer”.


Have you seen Zolt Tranlon?